Schedule & Map

Due to the set up of this faire, tickets will be scanned while in your vehicle. Please have your pre-paid tickets ready to be scanned. Gate tickets can be purchased from your vehicle as well, please have payment ready.

Time Royal Arena Fantasy Stage Encampments Indoor Vendor Tent
River Mermaid Brie (All Day - Near Stage)
10:00 Zoltan (Sunday)
10:30 Viking Battle
11:00 The Eyrie Men in Tights
11:30 Story time by Fionna
Noon Joust
1:00 Zoltan Viking Battle
1:30 Story time by Fionna
2:00 DWARF Men in Tights
3:00 The Eyrie Zoltan
3:30 Story time by Fionna
4:00 DWARF Men in Tights
5:00 Joust
6:00 Zoltan (Saturday)


11 McIntyre's Wish
12 HoneyPaw
1 Thunderglove
2 Captain Finn
3 McIntyre's Wish
4 Honey Paw
5 Thunderglove
6 Captain Finn
7 McIntyre's Wish (SATURDAY ONLY)
8:15 Thunderglove (SATURDAY ONLY)
9:30 Captain Finn (SATURDAY ONLY)
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